Wednesday, February 21, 2018

In Today's Society

Another horrific event took place in Florida and the politicians line up in front of the microphones to justify their existence; blah, blah, blah.

Blame goes here, blame goes there yet nobody wants to take the blame.

Did you ever read or hear the Who's Job Is It story?

Who's Job is it?

This is a little story about four people named EverybodySomebodyAnybody, and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebodywould do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybodywouldn't do it.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
I actually found another one that is worth sharing as well.

Who wants Change?

Once there were four people named EverybodySomebodyAnybodyNobody who wanted change.
So, Everybody said "I want change".
Somebody said "If only anybody would start to change, I will join."
But nobody said "I will change."
Finally Everybody stayed same, blaming Somebody for waiting for Anybody to start changing. So, nobody changed. 

As a building inspector for quite a while I have noticed that respect is gone.  Respect for everyone is gone.  Respect for adults is gone.  Respect for authority is gone.  Respect for teachers, police officers, the elderly is gone.  Respect for law is gone.  

Every year state after state goes to the capital building to initiate thousands upon thousands of new laws from legislators with their own agendas or legislators who listen to the lobbyist that are paid to persuade them to vote this way or that way.  

We don't always need new laws.  We need to respect the laws.  We need to enforce the laws.

The laws are there.  How many people drink and drive?  How many people text and drive?  How many people are taking illegal drugs?  How many people are cheating on their taxes?  How many people are stealing other people's identities?  How many people run stop signs or traffic lights?  How many people j-walk and refuse to use the crosswalk or how many people refuse to stop for people in the crosswalk?  How many people are stealing packages off of peoples porches?  How many people are shoplifting?  How many people cross borders illegally? How many people rob banks?  How many people speed through school zones, neighborhoods, the streets, the interstate? How many people embezzle from their employers?  How many people scam each other?  How many people abuse each other, their children, other children, their spouses, their parents?  I could continue on and on but I think I've addressed the point.  The laws are there.  We just need to enforce them!

Have you ever witnessed something that was wrong and you looked the other way?  Have you ever witnessed something and said to yourself, I don't want to get involved?  Shame on you!  Shame on all of you that pull your head back in your shell and let bad things happen.

How many bad things over the years could have been prevented with the help of the people who witnessed something happening or had information pertaining to a particular event or situation?

Taking away our rights will not solve the problems.  Enforcing our rights will.  Utilizing our rights will.  Get involved and we can make a difference.  Don't be like Everybody, Somebody, Anybody or Nobody and sit on your derrière. Do something!

I'm hoping that this article offends somebody to a point that there is a positive action.

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